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Marcos Rodriguez-Bey

Amabassador General

Moorish Science Temple of America
Moorish American Republic

    Marcos Rodriguez-Bey, A Moor — descendant of the Ancient Moabites, Hamites and  Canaanites — was born in the Territory A.K.A Amexem, Northwest Africa (America), in the year 1994 A.D., 1514 M.C. In the Year of 2011 A.D., 1431 M.C., he woke up of long sleep and proclaimed the Moorish American Nationality.



    Marcos Rodriguez-Bey he was inspired to learn more about the scattered bits and pieces of knowledge, heritage and culture of his Ancient Moorish peoples.


     In the year of 2013 A.D. 1433 M.C. he was name a Ambassador General of Moorish American Republic located in the land know as America (Amexem, Al Moroc, North West Amexem), to protect the rights of Indigenous Moorish People, and Dialogue for the best interaction between corporate governments (with geographical limits into the land of our God Allah) and our ecclesiastical government.

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