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Under the authority declared, recorded and published on the Form 1099 (Document #10105905: Cook County Book 521, Page 579, August 01, 1928);The Holy Koran Circle 7, Chapter 47; Constitution and By-law of The Moorish Holy Temple of Science; Religious Corporation Act (805 ILCS 110/); Conveyances Act (765 ILCS 5/); Notice by Publication Act. (715 ILCS 5/) The original Moorish Charter of the HONOBLE Noble Drew Ali And Title to HIS Vast Estate Express Trust: Form 1099 (Document #10105905: Cook County Book 521, Page 579, August 01, 1928); National Archives Record Group 147, Copy Book 521, and Page File Number 5-39, U.S. Department of Defense, File 1-17 (Indigenous Freeholder and creditor; Hierarchal Code R1.01.052.004, Federal Code 667, Federal Code 463; The Moroccan Treaty of Friendship and Peace 1787, 1836 and 1986; U.S.C. Title 28, Part 4, Chapter 97 Subsection 1603 (Jurisdictional immunities of foreign states), U.S.C. Title 28, Part 4, Chapter 97, Subsection 1604 (immunities of a foreign states from jurisdiction), UNITED STATES: FOREIGN SOVEREIGN IMMUNITIES ACT OF 1976: Public law 94-583 (immunities of a foreign states from jurisdiction), PUBLIC LAW 106-55 (International Religious Freedom Act), Public Law 107-228 (Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2003), the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961, the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of April 24, 1963 & the Hague Convention of October 5, 1961, the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, United Nations Resolution 61/295 (Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples), & United Nations Resolution 60/147 ( Right to a Remedy and Reparation for Victims of Gross Violations of International Human Rights Law and Serious Violation of International Humanitarian Law).
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