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Official Journal of Moorish America Republic

In compliance with the provisions of the second transitional article of the Political Constitution of Moorish America Republic, this is made known to all nationals, members, affiliates, etc. that the Honorable Supreme Council of the Moorish America Republic has seen fit to issue the following Political Constitution of and for the Moorish American people.

The honorable Supreme Council of Moorish American Republic, to all Moorish American nationals know,


In the Name of Allah the Greatest and Most Merciful.


The Supreme Council of Moorish America Republic Gathered, to have a Favorable Interaction Between Us and, With the Corporate Governments Present in Our Ancestral Lands,


Considering the need to establish relations with said governments, based on the fact of sharing the same lands,  


​By virtue of being different peoples with different cultures, customs, customs, teachings, doctrines & identities, but with a single objective of maintaining peace between peoples,


Considering the instructions of Noble Drew Ali And in adherence to the Holy Quran, the Holy Koran Circle 7, The Constitution of Moorish Science Temple Of America Instituted and Registered for the Doctrine and Upliftment of Fallen Humanity In 1928, the teachings of Noble Drew Ali through his writings etc.


 He has seen fit to issue the following: 


Download the Complete Version
of the M.A.R. Constitution

Supreme Council/ Presidency
Constitution 2014
Date: January 10, 2014 - Rabi'al-Awwal  9, 1435
Version: English

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